How To Say Goodbye

How To Say Goodbye

Have you ever had to say a final goodbye to someone and wished there was a better way? A way where you could choose the words, the tone, and even the length of time? With MyGoodbyes, we aim to give you the tools to say goodbye in a way that feels right for both you and the person you’re saying goodbye to. Saying goodbye can be done in your way. 

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1. What are the different ways people say goodbye and what do they mean?

Saying goodbye is much more than just a goodbye; it’s a way to express emotion, sentimentality, finality, and fear. Whether it’s due to death or something more mundane like going away on vacation, every goodbye has its own language.   People often have to negotiate this power in different ways over time as they move through life. There are so many ways that people say goodbye: through physical gestures like hugs, kisses, and handshakes; through common phrases like “farewell” and “see you later”; or emoting silence that speaks volumes about tears unshed.

2. How to ensure your goodbye is positive

By carefully choosing your words and taking time for thought and contemplation, you can reduce the potential damage from a negative parting experience. You have the power to make sure that any goodbyes, including those due to death, are positive by putting your thoughts together beforehand but also not overcomplicating it. Check out our article here for more in depth information.

3. The five steps to saying goodbye in a way that is authentic for you

The five steps may include 

  • talking with your loved ones beforehand to help create an authentic experience, 
  • asking certain questions that honor any cultural, religious, and lifestyle customs you have, making time for remembrance
  • connecting with them through sharing memories and stories
  • taking time just to be with them

4. Examples of goodbyes gone wrong and how to avoid them

Unfortunately, even though many of us desire control in these situations, examples of goodbyes gone wrong do exist. Whether it’s rushed due to outside circumstances, or an unfinished last conversation because someone died too soon, life doesn’t always give us ample time for closure between loved ones. In order to make sure that our goodbyes reflect our wishes and not just circumstance, it is essential that people try to take the control where they can

5. Saying goodbye – here’s how to make sure your goodbyes are meaningful without causing pain

Saying goodbye to someone close to us who is dying is one of the most difficult things we will ever have to go through in life and it may require a great deal of emotional strength and courage, we must try to make it positive and meaningful and can do this through drawing on key memories or moments you had with them.  

It’s important to choose words carefully and utilise every opportunity that might arise – no matter how short lived – even if it means simply sharing an embrace, letting your loved one know you are with them.  This isn’t necessarily a time of a big goodbye, more a series of moments reflecting and appreciating your lives together. To read an article about “7 ways of saying goodbyes to a loved one without words” click here.