Life Insurance

Life Insurance

No-one looks forward to buying an insurance policy. Cars should be dent-free, pets should enjoy good health, and water pipes should resist a winter frost rather than flooding the kitchen. We’d rather stroll in the sunshine than shelter under an umbrella, but it’s better to…
black Macbook near black iPhone 7 Plus and black Apple Watch

Digital legacy

Modern life often means modern complications.  In ancient Greece, when someone died, their wealth, or land would normally transfer to their children and relatives.  To tidy up situations where this wasn’t possible, they created written wills, and today most people are familiar with them being…
woman in black long sleeve shirt sitting on chair

Why you should write a will

You might want to make financial provisions for your dependents, name the legal custodians of children or pets, or just specify who you trust to delete your internet search history. However, one of the most important reasons for making a will is that dying without…
a black and white photo of a man with a beard

A funeral without “God”

When my Aunt passed away, her family held a funeral service that didn't mention God once. I know that may sound strange to some people, but it was exactly what she wanted. My Aunt was never a religious person, and although none of us knew,…
grayscale photography of three person's holding umbrella

What is a healthspan

Death is an inevitability that everyone must face. But while death is certain, the age at which we die is not. In recent years, scientists have made significant progress in understanding the ageing process, and this knowledge has led to new strategies for prolonging life.…
grayscale man and woman sitting on couch carrying baby

The gift of life

The joy of life comes not from getting what we want, but from appreciating what we have.   As we age and the idea of our own mortality comes into focus, we come to realise that death is inevitable and can fully understand that life is…
two women looking at talking woman

Talking about death 

The inspiration for the Workshop and the MyGoodbyes Party comes from the Death Café movement, which is an open forum where a group of people discuss death, and their thoughts and fears around it. Our Workshop and MyGoodbyes Party applies tech and inspirational videos to…