The Party has just begun
MyGoodbyes Party is designed to help tackle potentially difficult topics in a fun and safe environment.
What is a MyGoodbyes Party?
It’s an opportunity to explore and share end-of-life wishes with friends and family in a positive and celebratory environment. There are four modules, with three questions in each section to discuss.
Why its important?
It can be difficult to talk about death and sharing your wishes with friends and family. Stigma means it’s not a topic of conversation we have every day, The MyGoodbyes Party aims to change that.

“Helping my family understand my wishes in such a fun way, doing the party really made the experience so much more enjoyable. The questions made it a more pleasant experience for us all & we learnt so much about each other.”
David – MyGoodbyes Party host
Why you should have a MyGoodbyes Party
Because we don’t often talk about death, it can be hard to broach the subject.

Its FREE to download and complete!
A MyGoodbyes Party starts the conversation for you, and gives you the opportunity to find out your friends and family’s wishes in a fun environment.

Supporting documents
How many people can you invite to a MyGoodbyes Party?
We recommend you have between 2 and 6 people to get the best experience but there is nothing stopping you completing the Party by yourself or with more than 6 people.
How long will it take to complete a MyGoodbyes Party?
This all depends on how much you all have to say. As a minimum it will take at least 45 mins to complete but the world is your oyster and you can make it as last as long as you want it to.
Where can I host a MyGoodbyes Party?
You can host a MyGoodbyes Party at home, in a restaurant, or even at the park. It is entirely up to you and your guests. The MyGoodbyes Party can be completed anywhere you feel comfortable doing so. All you need is your phone or the printed questions and pens.

How to be the life of the Party!

Picnic in the Park themed Party

Day of the Dead themed Party