How to make sure your wishes are carried out

How to make sure your wishes are carried out

No one wants to think about death, but it’s something that we all have to face at some point. If you want to be sure that your wishes are carried out after you die, it’s important to plan ahead and make a will. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

1. Make a will and designate an executor

One important step in doing this is to make a Will and designate an executor. Doing so takes the responsibility off of your family members during an emotional time and allows you to have peace of mind knowing that your death plan is in place. Your executor should be someone that you trust and who clearly understands your wishes. Taking these proactive steps while you’re healthy can help ensure that when death arrives your wishes are carried out and honoured.

2. Plan your funeral and burial/cremation arrangements

By making a plan for your funeral and burial or cremation arrangements, you can ensure that when death comes, it will be managed in accordance with what you wanted. It takes away the burden from those around you who may not know all of your wishes, and helps provide peace of mind that death will be handled respectfully. From funeral pre-planning, to arranging provisions such as headstone details and transport services ahead, taking the time now to put an end of life plan in place ensures that your wishes will be carried out. Read our complete guide on how to plan a funeral here, or check out this external one here.

3. Choose someone to take care of your pets after you die

If you have pets, choose someone who will take care of your pets after you die. This decision can be difficult, but it’s critical if you want the comfort of knowing that your furry friends will go to a loving home and not end up in a shelter. talk to friends and family, or even your vet, and let them know that they are being considered as potential options. Once you find the right person, discuss their role with them in detail and make sure any arrangement is etched in writing so that all parties involved have peace of mind.

4. Decide what to do with your belongings and money

Everything you own will eventually be passed on, so it is wise to think about how those items that hold sentimental value should be handled. Preparing a list of who should receive certain items can help take the burden off loved ones when death or illness occurs. Consider specific directions for any remaining financial assets as well, including whether they should be divided amongst family members or donated to a charity of your choice. By making these decisions ahead of time, it allows for peace-of-mind knowing that your belongings and money will follow through on what you wished for.  This should ideally be formalised into a Will.

5. Let your loved ones know your wishes

Making sure your loved ones are aware of the choices you have made regarding your death and end of life care is very important. It takes the stress and worry away for them because they know that their beloved has left plans about how to handle the situation. Even if death does not come for many years, empowering yourself by creating a plan now gives you control over what will happen in the future.