Our experienced experts have you covered

In-depth articles from our experts, where you can learn more about end-of-life planning and death positive topics.  

Looking back

Memories make up a large part of our life stories and will exist beyond our death, with each memory being unique and special in its own way. They will give solace to those affected by your death. Our Looking Back module is designed to help get these memories recorded. 

two women looking at talking woman Talking about death 

greyscale photo of woman standing behind woman sitting on chair Reclaiming the D word

a black and white photo of a bird flying over a tree Saying Goodbye

> More Looking back

Your future plans

Making informed decisions about our own healthcare is key to having the end of life we want. By making decisions ahead of time it enables us and our families to be better prepared for our death. Make a start by completing our module.

How to Balance Work and Life After A Summer Break

black and gray stethoscope Advanced Decisions and Powers of Attorney

woman and child grayscale photo Death – an inevitable part of life

> More Your future plans

Your goodbye

Funeral arrangements may be the furthest thing from your mind, but recording your thoughts and preferences reduces stress for loved ones at a difficult time. By expressing these wishes ahead of time, you can ensure that the sadness is outweighed by the celebration. Make the first step here.

gray rocky mountain under gray sky Guide to planning a funeral – why you should plan

grayscale photo of person using MacBook A guide to planning a funeral – how to plan

grayscale photo of a man and woman dancing A fulfilled life is a life well lived

> More Your goodbye

Your legacy

By having a clear record of your wishes, you can make sure that your legacy is respected and secured for future generations. By documenting vital details in advance, you can establish peace of mind if an unexpected event occurs. This module is the first step.

How to Balance Work and Life After A Summer Break

Life Insurance

black Macbook near black iPhone 7 Plus and black Apple Watch Digital legacy

> More Your legacy

  • Guide to planning a funeral – why you should plan

    Guide to planning a funeral – why you should plan

    House moves, weddings, family get-togethers – organising important events can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive at the best of times, but imagine doing it when you’re grieving and trying to find a way to cope with loss. Planning ahead will protect your loved ones at…

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  • A guide to planning a funeral – how to plan

    A guide to planning a funeral – how to plan

    Organising important events can be stressful, time-consuming and expensive at the best of times, but imagine doing it when you’re grieving and trying to find a way to cope with loss. Planning ahead will protect your loved ones at a time when they’re likely to…

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  • Digital legacy

    Digital legacy

    Modern life often means modern complications.  In ancient Greece, when someone died, their wealth, or land would normally transfer to their children and relatives.  To tidy up situations where this wasn’t possible, they created written wills, and today most people are familiar with them being…

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  • Why you should write a will

    Why you should write a will

    You might want to make financial provisions for your dependents, name the legal custodians of children or pets, or just specify who you trust to delete your internet search history. However, one of the most important reasons for making a will is that dying without…

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  • Advanced Decisions and Powers of Attorney

    Advanced Decisions and Powers of Attorney

    End of Life healthcare Here’s some further guidance on how best to document your preferred healthcare wishes particularly towards the end of your life. Giving consideration as to how you wish to be looked after, and who should be able to make health and welfare…

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  • Talking about death 

    Talking about death 

    The inspiration for the Workshop and the MyGoodbyes Party comes from the Death Café movement, which is an open forum where a group of people discuss death, and their thoughts and fears around it. Our Workshop and MyGoodbyes Party applies tech and inspirational videos to…

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  • Reclaiming the D word

    Reclaiming the D word

    When it comes to talking about death, people can be reluctant to use the word itself, as if using the D-word will have some causal impact.  Here at MyGoodbyes, we think it’s important to reclaim death as something that can be a positive experience, and…

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  • The Briefing: Choosing the Right Executor for Your Will: Guidance Beyond Family Members

    The Briefing: Choosing the Right Executor for Your Will: Guidance Beyond Family Members

    When it comes to choosing an executor for your will, it may seem like a difficult task if you don’t have any suitable candidates within your family. This is a common dilemma that many face, and it can be daunting to find the perfect person…

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  • 7 Hobbies That Can Help You Balance Work Life Like a Pro

    We all lead stressful and busy lives, and often find ourselves struggling to balance work and personal life. Have you ever thought about taking up a hobby that can help you achieve better work-life harmony? Engaging in a meaningful hobby can help you recharge and…

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  • How to Balance Work and Life After A Summer Break

    How to Balance Work and Life After A Summer Break

    The start of autumn means saying goodbye to summer vacations, days spent lounging in the sun, and spending quality time with family and friends. However, for many of us, it also means returning to work and the stress that comes along with it. The transition…

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  • How to Balance Work and Life After A Summer Break

    How to Balance Work and Life After A Summer Break

    The start of autumn means saying goodbye to summer vacations, days spent lounging in the sun, and spending quality time with family and friends. However, for many of us, it also means returning to work and the stress that comes along with it. The transition… Read more

  • Life Insurance

    Life Insurance

    No-one looks forward to buying an insurance policy. Cars should be dent-free, pets should enjoy good health, and water pipes should resist a winter frost rather than flooding the kitchen. We’d rather stroll in the sunshine than shelter under an umbrella, but it’s better to… Read more

  • A fulfilled life is a life well lived

    A fulfilled life is a life well lived

    Death is something that each one of us will face someday. It is an inevitable part of life. And yet, death is often something that we actively avoid thinking about. We may even go so far as to pretend that it doesn’t exist. But death… Read more

  • Why I am planning my funeral at 35 years old

    Why I am planning my funeral at 35 years old

    I know that sounds morbid, but bear with me. You see, I am very aware of my own mortality. I know that death is inevitable, and that one day I will have to say goodbye to this world. And so, I have decided to plan… Read more

  • A funeral without “God”

    A funeral without “God”

    When my Aunt passed away, her family held a funeral service that didn’t mention God once. I know that may sound strange to some people, but it was exactly what she wanted. My Aunt was never a religious person, and although none of us knew,… Read more

  • Death – an inevitable part of life

    Death – an inevitable part of life

    Death is an inevitable part of life. At some point, everyone experiences the death of a loved one. While it’s impossible to completely accept death, there are ways to help come to terms with it.  Thinking about the end of life, for example, can help… Read more

  • What is a healthspan

    What is a healthspan

    Death is an inevitability that everyone must face. But while death is certain, the age at which we die is not. In recent years, scientists have made significant progress in understanding the ageing process, and this knowledge has led to new strategies for prolonging life.… Read more

  • The gift of life

    The gift of life

    The joy of life comes not from getting what we want, but from appreciating what we have.   As we age and the idea of our own mortality comes into focus, we come to realise that death is inevitable and can fully understand that life is… Read more

  • Saying Goodbye

    Saying Goodbye

    Death is something we all have to must face. Though it is often difficult, death can also be a time of great peace and acceptance. If you are facing your own death, there are several things you can do to make your goodbye a more… Read more