Choosing a Funeral Director

Choosing a Funeral Director

Choosing a Funeral Director

Choosing a funeral director isn’t something often mentioned in ‘polite society’ – or even impolite, for that matter.


Because it means acknowledging the fact of death, it means embracing the ‘odd idea’ that we are not immortal, that our body will wear out at some point, and that death will never happen to us.

Which is where a funeral director comes in.

How to choose a funeral director

And how do you choose a funeral director before it’s needed? 

Here are a few tips:

1.  Decide in advance that you will choose your funeral director with an air of curiosity, fun, and determination to get what you want

Why not visit a funeral home with a couple of friends to look around – make sure you tell the funeral director beforehand that you are doing this, as most are not up to speed on people planning! You might even rope in some friends and do it together.

2. Make sure the ones you select for a more in-depth interview will provide what you want.

Not everyone will offer green burials, for instance, wacky ways of transporting the body or unusually shaped or decorated coffins. 

And it’s worth noting that you can only use the designated funeral director when you take out a funeral plan. So ensure that if you go down this route, the funeral director is someone (or a firm) you want.

3. Choose relatively nearby ones.

If you live miles away and are doing this on behalf of a family member, you can still do your research online or arrange to meet the funeral director via Zoom. You want them to be nearby unless it’s okay with you that they charge extra mileage outside a particular range.

4. Check who is offering what and for which price.

Put your ‘I’m Employing a Builder’ hat on and remember you want what you want, that is okay, and you enjoy a reasonable price for it, too.  Don’t be swayed by thoughts of this being an odd thing to do. 

5. Choose the funeral director you feel most comfortable with.

Even if it’s you who is the dead body, and therefore, you won’t know about it, you will have the comfort of knowing while you are still alive that the kind, loving funeral director you chose will treat you as you want to be treated.

Plus, great peace of mind comes with that knowledge when you are coming towards your end, and a great source of solace for those left behind, too.